Monday, June 25, 2012

How to Kill Scabies - Home rehabilitation For Scabies Mites

If you are wondering how to kill scabies mites, you may have already come over discrete pieces of advice. Although the traditional way to treat this condition is by using prescribe medication, there is an highly effective home treatment for scabies which will give relief from the itching and begin working within just 24 hours.

Many population have issues with the traditional treatments which are given by doctors-and many would say quite rightly so. The strong insecticides which are routinely prescribed can have short-term unpleasant side effects which are not separate to those caused by the scabies themselves, such as itching and burning. What is more worrying though is the fact that some of them have associations with quite serious conditions.


The three most favorite treatments are Permethrin, Lindane and Malathion.

How to Kill Scabies - Home rehabilitation For Scabies Mites

When finding at how to kill scabies, Permethrin is the most widely prescribed treatment. The side effects consist of stinging, itching and burning. Having said this, these can be short lived and some would argue that these are minor complications if the scabies mites are being eradicated! Permethrin is made from Pyrethrum, which is a coarse ingredient in insecticides and some population prefer to avoid the use of it altogether as there is some venture that it may be a carcinogen.

Lindane used to be the most widely prescribed treatment for scabies but since the Fda reported a higher incidence of seizures among users, it has fallen out of favor. It is banned completely in 40 countries and its' use is strictly regulated in 20 others. It has been linked with an increase in leukemia in children and non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma in farmers who routinely use it on cattle and grain.

The chemical Malathion, although used more for head lice, is also sometimes prescribed for scabies. There is evidence to recommend that Malathion can cause headaches, dizziness, muscle feebleness and nausea and even mystery breathing.

When used correctly, these accepted treatments will kill off the scabies. Increasingly though, many population are choosing to use natural remedies as they are often kinder on the skin and have less side effects.

One exquisite home treatment for scabies is tea tree oil. If you are wondering how to kill scabies with it, there are are two things you should do. Firstly, take a warm bath into which you have added colse to 20 drops of tea tree oil. Soak in the bath for colse to 15 minutes. You can repeat this twice daily. It can also be very effective to use a cotton wool ball and put diluted tea tree oil on the areas with the worst irritation twice daily.

There are inescapable measures you should take to preclude reinfestation. It is advisable to wash all bed linen and towels in very hot water-indeed as hot as the fabrics will tolerate. The scabies mites can live covering the body for colse to 3 days, so good general hygiene is in effect essential, as is treating all house members at the same time. It is particularly foremost to preclude scratching, as the mites and eggs can be trapped under the nails, development reinfestation more likely. For young children, this could mean wearing gloves and for both children and adults, holding the nails short will help as will using a nailbrush and completely cleaning the nails some times a day.

How to Kill Scabies - Home rehabilitation For Scabies Mites

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1 Responses to “How to Kill Scabies - Home rehabilitation For Scabies Mites”

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